Welcome to Licht Properties
Need Help in your Race to Space?
Licht Properties is a professional property owner/manager. Our staff is experienced at adapting commercial and industrial properties to best fit our tenants' needs; we know their needs because we take the time to understand their goals.
Licht Properties will renovate or subdivide any space to meet your particular requirements, to help you reach your space destination. To ensure the greatest return on your space investment, Licht Properties will alter general layouts, add loading docks, or redesign exits or accesses.
Whatever your needs or interest, our experts can tailor a renovated, secure, clean and well-maintained property to help you attain your goals.
Best of all, Licht Properties are priced to save you money. You'll be surprised to find that in your race to space, we can deliver good space at an affordable price.
A Source for Every Need
Whether you are in the market for 2,000 or 150,000 square feet of space, Licht Properties has the ideal facility for your commercial and industrial business requirements.
All our properties comply with the most modern standards and all offer well-maintained facilities and services. Following strenuous and detailed research, we are implementing window, insulation, and heating strategies to bring our buildings to the peak of energy efficiency.
Every Licht Property is, in fact, in a prime commercial or industrial area, adjacent to an abundant work force. Our buildings are on bus routes and convenient to interstates 95 and 195, Routes 10, 6, 1, and 44.